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Showing posts from March, 2021

Men's Testosterone Plummeting, and Societal Implications

Very interesting video by Vincent James of the Red Elephants. We have witnessed a huge drop in testosterone in the point where half of all men in 2045 will have their sperm count drop to zero. As you can see, this is clearly impacting young men, how they carry themselves, what clothes they wear, and, of course, how they vote. A lot of us can safely say that we are declining as a society because of this. As Vincent James says, strong MASCULINE men are the backbone of society. They are the ones toiling in heavy lifting jobs to keep the infrastructure functioning, they're the fathers that current people don't have, the glue holding families together. And guess what? #Diet and #exercise will help testosterone levels back to normal. The same diet and exercise that can ward off viruses, that can increase longevity (also declining), and increase quality of life! And this is my job, developing strong people, especially men. If society breaks down, it's going to take a st...

About That Jab: I'm Not Responsible For Your Health. That Was Always YOUR Responsibility

   So, I'm supposed to take the  #vaccine  if I care about other people. A recent Forbes article says that 8 in 10 people hospitalized with the  #Covid19   #virus  is overweight or obese. They put themselves in that group because of POOR LIFE CHOICES. Apparently, our calls of practicing good diet and  #exercise  were lost on these people. And now that their  #health  is failing, they demand us healthy people take an untested, experimental jab with who-knows-what in it so that they feel safe. Sorry. For YEARS we Personal Trainers have warned you of the consequences of eating too much fast food, not exercising at all, allowing yourself to tip the scales at 300+ pounds. So no, your health is not our responsibility. It was always yours. You can still take personal responsibility and take care of your health. It's never too late. https://www.

The Psychology of the Media - It's Been Refined

When I have some free time, usually at the end of the day, I tend to look at what the outside world is up to, especially the mainstream media. And I'm fascinated how they can frame their stories to come up with a narrative to get a lot of people to behave a certain way and to act on it. Before starting to consume this media, you must keep in your head a couple of things:     1) Media can exaggerate, or even lie, about topics, and      2) Media is trying to get you to act a certain way. They mostly do this through emotions and feelings So one needs to take whatever the media says with a grain of salt. That is all media, by the way, even those articles from a favorable website you need a bit of caution on. What I usually do is, after reading the article, step back and ask the questions, "what is this article compelling people to do?", "how is it framed and what emotion does it elicit. Let me give you an example. This has been going on for weeks now, soon after the...

Take the V.A.X. So That You Can Hug Your Relatives Again? But I'm Already Doing That.

  So I keep hearing from online sources that the CDC is making these "vaccines" the way out of this so-called "pandemic" , that we can go "hug our parents and grandparents again" and "start going out with friends again." Governments in the US have tried to place restrictions on Holiday gatherings, a first in the US, setting it on a dangerous path with totalitarianism. Actually, my extended family and I have been doing that since last May, when I decided to look at the data and found that this is all overblown. Armed with this data, my family isn't scared. My parents and my brothers all have been out and about living as normal a life as possible. We had Thanksgiving and Christmas celebrations last year without any problems. My parents also traveled to Aruba last month; they also invited me to their timeshare there which I gracefully accepted. Was in Aruba with my parents at their timeshare. They're enjoying life. Plus, as Gov. Krist...